Wednesday 24 September 2014


The other day I thought I saw you,
Just like I did every day all those years ago.
It was as if nothing had changed.
But it wasn't you. 
And I know it couldn't have been you,
Because you don't exist anymore.
You were gone such a long time,
and I don't know why you came back
watching me through the guise of a stranger
A presence from another time.
Why did you come to visit me?
Did you think I would not notice?
 You know I could never forget you,
even if you tried to hide,
I could sense your presence in a crowded room.
Was there something you wanted me to know?
Or were you just checking up on me?

Saturday 13 September 2014


I've always had a penchant for not being perceived by those around me.

I speculate it has to do with the fact I never thought I'd be alive this long.
In all honesty, I thought I'd have taken my life by now.
I never imagined I'd make it this far.

Most days I feel as if I haven't, and I'm just an illusion of a person.
Wistfully passing day by day,
Without purpose.

That would explain why it's so exhausting to be noticed,
Reaching out through the void.

Perhaps it could also explain why I cannot succumb to all that I desire:
Substance. Belonging. Junction.

But still I remain; opposing my own convictions,
Bearing some semblance to penance.

Friday 5 September 2014


Forgive me if I never open up again.

I have trusted too many times,
And the results are always the same:
I end up burned.

No longer will I trust you,
No longer will I look out for you,
You are on your own,
And I am on a warpath.

The misery and dread has been engulfed,
And all I see is red.

I may be shattered, but the remaining pieces are sharp,
And I will slice whatever stands in my way.