Saturday 27 August 2011

When Someone Takes Your Heart

No amount of sleep will make you feel awake,
and smiling feels strange on your face.

You feel everyone can see right through you, and most people can.
You feel you're going to fall and shatter from the shortest height, and you probably will.

Words no longer make sense, and if they did, nothing anyone would say would even matter.

But look on the bright side:
When someone takes your heart, only they can hurt you.


Drink up.
Give the moon away,
Blot out the sun with your tears.

Give light to those who can't handle it,
Watch them need their fix,
Join them.

Find love,
Make it last.
Throw it away.

Kill yourself fighting to get it back.

Become content,
Fall back in love even though you thought you never could.
Have regrets,
But promise to never take anything back.

Monday 22 August 2011

Going.. Going... Gone.

Watching you turn your lights out, I wonder what you do afterwards.
Do you keep a light on because you feel lonely?
Or do you embrace the dark?

Do you think of me before you slip into a dream,
Or am I with you the whole time?

Will I find you alone one day, waiting for the light?

Maybe I can be the arms to embrace you when the sun will no longer suffice and it's so cold it's almost unbearable.

Maybe I can be the light that guides you out of the dark,

But if you were to stay,
I would like to be beside you.

Sunday 21 August 2011

A Special Day

While I haven't found that magic yet, 
I know it's out there,

And I know this because of you.

I knew it in the first,
And last,
Time we kissed.

It opened  the world, and all my dreams came true.
Yet somehow it was only the beginning.

Because of you, I believe in magic,
I believe in hope,
I believe in Love.

Friday 12 August 2011

Watching You Rot

There's really not much to you is there?
You try to come off as so organized, so capable, but underneath you're really frail, and weak, aren't you?
You cling to what you know,
Or at least what you think you know,
What you want to know.

And you really can't stand to be alone, can you?
So you lie, like you always have, and trap more people in your tangled web of a life.
You show them who you really are, and then let yourself think you don't need them when they don't drop everything for you.
I can guarentee you never pushed anyone away.
They walked away willingly.

The truth is, I'm still around because I'm the only one who really sees how weak you are.
I make no effort to point it out however, only take notes.
And to put you in your place when you so deserve it.
And believe me, I feel bad enough about that.
It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

The Long Journey to Sanity

I don't really remember the beginning.

  We were in a field, at an old picnic table,
And we were talking.

I don't remember much of what was said,
But you told me I didn't ruin everything.

After that we left the field, and started walking along the road,
And then I woke up.

I thought it was all so real, but it was a dream.
But I felt it had happened before.

And I know it's kind of sad,
Because in the end you're not here.

But I realized I should be happy, because I wasn't talking to you at all,
I was talking to me.

I imagined you, at your best,
And you told me I didn't do anything wrong.

And that it was okay to let go.

Tuesday 2 August 2011


So we sleep in cages,
The cages we've made for ourselves because we think we're protected.
But we couldn't be more wrong.

When the walls break, what will protect us from the beasts?
The Beasts of our Insecurities.
They claw and bite and sedate us.
But it's all in our heads.