Saturday 10 September 2011


It took me until now to realize just how lost I really am.
All this time, I've found salvation in the wrong places.

Not that I knew any better.

And now I've ended up here, and have no idea where to go.
So far from home, so far from anything, the decision is all mine.

For once, I really get to choose what I will become.
I hope I don't regret it.

1 comment:

  1. You are where you need to be, at this moment of your life.

    There are no mistakes, only lessons which can guide you in your future.
    You have all you need to know within you.
    You are in a good place despite any confusion and loss you may be feeling right now.
    Everyone wants to feel happy, safe, loved, free from worry, pain, fear and suffering.
    Forgive yourself first and foremost, let go of regret.
    Be kind to yourself, be patient and nurture yourself at this time.
    Do not be in a hurry to meet your future and stop...stop looking behind you at the past. This is your greatest challenge. It's gone, you cannot change it, but it's gift is that it has brought you to this very moment in time.
    Right now and each day, say to yourself:
    "Just for today, I will not be angry, just for today, I will not worry, just for today, I will be humble, just for today I will be honest and speak my truth with myself and all that I speak with, just for today, I will live moment to moment, aware and present in each and every moment of my day, just for today I will be loving and compassionate to myself."
    We cannot control our emotions, but these words, spoken daily are alittle like a dripping tap filling a vase. Over time, the vase will become full.
    You are not lost Matthew any longer, you have only just found yourself.
    With much love,
