Friday 12 October 2012


Our hearts are funny things.

Sometimes we hold them so tightly,
Trying not to let ourselves get hurt,
That we forget to feel.

Sometimes we show such little concern for them,
And hold them too far from us,
Pretending we don't care,
And that never works.

You think we'd know better by now,
That we should treat them better,
Because we only have one.
And how could you possibly share it with someone,
If you break it?

We're always so worried,
'What if I share it with the wrong person?'
It's something we all wonder.
Like we only have one opportunity,
Like the decision is final.

But that's not how our hearts work, is it?
It's not that simple at all.
Maybe we want it to be,
So much so that we forget just how tough they are.

It's okay to feel,
And it's okay to get hurt.
It's not the end of the world.
It's okay to make mistakes,
And learn from them.

Our hearts are funny things,
And capable or more than we think.

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