Friday 31 October 2014


By the whites of your eyes,
I hope that you find,
Your tears run dry.

You will never find,
What has now been lost;
But it will always be dear to you.

I pray that voice, will always hear you.

Monday 27 October 2014



I feel trapped, with nowhere to go.
Everything I was once comfortable with,
Suffocates me.

I've come to hate all that I have;
Tormented by my past.

I want it all to be over,
I want to forget it all,
To begin again.

If I take it all,
Will it bring a new light?

Do we get a new beginning,
Or are we trapped forever?

Will it ever get better?
Will I ever want to live?
Or will I always quietly beg for death,
In all my actions.

I see no light,
 Only darkness swallowing my dreams,
smothering any hope I have left.

I am alone.
I cannot breathe.
Everything aches.
I will surely die here.

Sunday 26 October 2014

I Hope You'll Understand,

All that I know, I have learned through pain,

And while that may be hard to understand I want you to know. Once upon a time I did not have all the answers; and I was lost.

I've always been careless with my heart, but my feelings now are not any less true than they were then. There was a time where it was dark, the darkest I have ever seen and the only thing keeping me alive was something I knew deep own I could not obtain.

But my heart said something different, and my heart will always be my deciding factor. Which is why I fear the future. Maybe I'll always be chasing what I can never have.

But I want you to know, I do very much need you. More than I let on, more then I care to admit; only here.

I'm afraid, all the time, because I know you could never offer the same commitment. I doubt you could ever feel the same, but please don't think I'm trying to guilt you.

It's just, I doubt anyone could ever feel that way about me.

I appreciate everything that we have together, even if it doesn't mean that much to you.

I just hope to show this world, my world, to someone, and I thought that maybe, just maybe, it could be you...

Tuesday 21 October 2014


I have learned:

It takes a storm to appreciate the sun,
But the same could be said for the reverse.

Sometimes we lie to bury the truth.
Sometimes we lie because we cannot handle the truth.
Sometimes, we lie to nurture the truth.

Challenging everything you believe in is the loneliest road.
Tempting yourself with madness in the pursuit of truth,
That we may never find is a journey that never ends;
But it is worth it.

A moment that feels longer than it should is more important,
Then a long period of time that feels like a moment.
I would much rather forget you than forgive any pain you've caused me.
I still love you unconditionally.

I will wait for you.

Wednesday 15 October 2014



it has always been about wanting to need someone                       

Tuesday 14 October 2014


Once again I find myself on another road.

Not at a dead end,
But at a crossroads leading the way;
With many paths to choose from.

I never had the chance to fight.
If I did it would have been to the bone,
And without mercy,
Just for you.

But instead I packed my things and continued on.

I don't know how long it will take,
 I don't even have a set destination.
But I think I'll know when I arrive.
I'll be greeted by the sun,
The wind to my back,

And for once,

Tuesday 7 October 2014

I Do Not Play For Second,

For someone who claims to know a lot about "truth", I sure do lie a lot.

I have no idea why.
 I do not fear truth, or what it holds.
Perhaps it's a longing for control.

Considering I lie about the most mundane of things,
I would not be surprised.

I lie; especially about that which I care about most:

Love is war,
And I do not play for second.

One of my many unwritten rules,
Or personal lies:
Is that I have won every battle,
Conquered every challenge ever faced,
Or it was never as such.

I have attained everything I have ever wanted,
Or I have not wanted it.

Whether it be places,
Or even people.

I come to conquer,
Or it is not a battle.

I will do the same with your heart,
 Or you shall cease to exist.