Saturday 26 March 2011

May I Have This Dance?

The smell of falling rain.
Stars, over the hearts of ours.
Worlds away from home.

But we're not alone.

Because you have me,
And I have you.

It's easy to see,
What we should do.

A Moment

People dancing,
The night, fading.
There isn't much time left.
Come, take my hand.

The clock is always ticking and we never really know how much longer we have left...

The Last Page

A lesson I should have learned a lifetime ago.
Now I die everyday, because of the same story.

But these pages are new,
Fresh cuts over old scars.

Walking through these days,
I fear there is only one way out.

The Storm

The mask comes off as the truth comes out.
Blatant lies and hidden truths,
What's the difference?

I should have known,
All the rumors are true.

I'm self destructive?
Only because you made me this way.
You've taken it all,
And I will give nothing in return.


The snow is cold,
And I am alone.

I wonder what it would be like with you beside me.

The snow is still falling.
I wonder what you're doing.
I'm nestled by the fire,
But it's still cold.

I wonder what it would be like with you beside me.

Thursday 24 March 2011


I'll have you know, our dreams live lives of their own.
Always twisting and tearing until they come true.
They have their own struggles, and times when they flourish.

So don't be so hard, because it's not easy.

Tuesday 22 March 2011


I am who I am, because of you.
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here today.

I want you to know,
Through the warmth of the day,
And through the chill of the night,
That I owe you so much.

Thank you,
For all the glory and all the pain,
All the lessons, and all the love you gave.

I want you to know, that none of it was wasted.
You will always be a light in my life; someone like you could never fade.

Monday 21 March 2011

The Visitor

It appears you've reached the edge of my world, I can no longer accompany you beyond this line.
Our time together was short, but well lived.

Won't you stay for a little while longer?
I do enjoy your company very much.

I mean, there's aren't a lot of others around here, in my head.
It's only been you, for the longest time.
Maybe I could come visit you in your head one day?

Friday 18 March 2011


Skylines are cigarettes and the streets are sludge
Our lungs are black and the future is bleak
You've been here a while holding your grudge
So much to say but you won't speak

Time is ticking and the water is poison
All we have left is our handgun
The city's on fire and the streets are ablaze
The time has come, it's the end of old ways

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Into the Sea

Today I woke myself up saying your name in my sleep...

I'd be lying if I said I never thought about you, and I, and everything that could have been.
But we've lost all that, thrown it into the sea, haven't we?

Are you listening?

Saturday 12 March 2011

That Day

Keep talking,
Please keep talking.

I want to hear it all, I want your words to echo through me...

And in a thousand years I want to remember it all,
I want to remember you, in all your glory.
I want you remember how your eyes sparkled in the sunlight,
How your hair blew in the breeze,
And how you smiled at me.

I want to remember everything about the day you said,
"I love you"

Wednesday 9 March 2011

That Night

That night, under the moonlit sky.
We were one; we were the only ones...
The only ones that mattered.

In my entire life, that is the only moment that's actually mattered.
Everything else is just me, waiting for something as magic to happen again.
One day it'll come...

And never leave.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

My Time

When I reach the top, I'll be sure to tell the world your story.
I'll tell them all about the mistakes you made and all your regrets.

On second thought, that'd be a waste of my time.
When I make it to the top, and I will make it to the top.
It won't be because of you.

You're just a memory, and thank god you're fleeting.

Monday 7 March 2011

A New Day

I've spent so many nights watching the sunset, I forgot just how much warmth the morning can bring.
We'll finally know where we're going when we watch the sunrise together.
It's been dark for so long now, morning is just around the corner.

The sun, it's rising again.

Saturday 5 March 2011


It wasn't the monster under my bed,
The skeleton in my closet,
Or the strange figure outside my window that scared me.
It was the thought of losing you.

Now I live every day in fear.
I live every day thinking I'm just going to fade out of existence.

Friday 4 March 2011


This is my world, and you must have some nerve if you think you can just waltz in, with all your glitz and glamour, tear the place up, leave your mark, and walk away.

No. This is my world, and you have made a mess of it.

You've leveled the mountains of my anger, and dried up the oceans of my tears.
Fields of hope are growing through my city streets.
The skies are jittering with excitement.
Is this the apocalypse, or just a metamorphosis?

Thursday 3 March 2011

The Path

Nothing I say can change your mind, you're far too stubborn for that.

But what am I to do? After All, I'm just like you. Our struggles are the same, little do you know.

I've been where you are, many times, and each time it's a deeper cut.

All roads have led to here. Should I turn back now? Is there a dead end waiting?

Tuesday 1 March 2011

The Day Today is Monotone

It's funny, we see each other every day,
we look into each others eyes and I wonder what you see.

I hope you know you're always welcome, if you need a place of comfort, or just to be looked at.
I would hope you, of all people understand, that I'm still doing this for you.

It's been some time, and we've had our hardships, but I think it'll all be worth it.
After all, isn't that what you want? A story for the masses?
Or maybe you want a story just for you, and that's alright.

Maybe one day, we'll spend hours discussing this. But until then, here I am, discussing it with myself, as you watch from someplace far away.

If you were here, we could do so much more, as I'm sure there are still stars that have yet to be seen, grass yet to be rolled in, leaves to hidden in or snowflakes to be caught on our tongues.
I wonder if you ever think of doing these things? 

I wonder if you would enjoy doing these things... with me.