Tuesday 1 March 2011

The Day Today is Monotone

It's funny, we see each other every day,
we look into each others eyes and I wonder what you see.

I hope you know you're always welcome, if you need a place of comfort, or just to be looked at.
I would hope you, of all people understand, that I'm still doing this for you.

It's been some time, and we've had our hardships, but I think it'll all be worth it.
After all, isn't that what you want? A story for the masses?
Or maybe you want a story just for you, and that's alright.

Maybe one day, we'll spend hours discussing this. But until then, here I am, discussing it with myself, as you watch from someplace far away.

If you were here, we could do so much more, as I'm sure there are still stars that have yet to be seen, grass yet to be rolled in, leaves to hidden in or snowflakes to be caught on our tongues.
I wonder if you ever think of doing these things? 

I wonder if you would enjoy doing these things... with me.


  1. that is very thought provoking thats for sure - kri

  2. I don't understand you. Why are you still here, fighting beside me, in a battle I know I'll never win? Why are you determined to help me fight my battles, when you have your own to fight? Please, now I'm not fighting for me. I'm only fighting for you. Please stop fighting with me. Start fighting your own battles. I'm sorry I cannot help you fight yours, but you have others more than willing. I'm just so tired of fighting.
    Please stop fighting alongside me, so I can stop too. My time is over. I'm ready to lose this fight.
    I'm ready.

  3. You're ready to lose, but you won't.
    You'll find that just when you're at your weakest, lowest point, that you fight isn't that grand. It's a spec. A spec of dust. Dust in the wind.
