Friday 4 March 2011


This is my world, and you must have some nerve if you think you can just waltz in, with all your glitz and glamour, tear the place up, leave your mark, and walk away.

No. This is my world, and you have made a mess of it.

You've leveled the mountains of my anger, and dried up the oceans of my tears.
Fields of hope are growing through my city streets.
The skies are jittering with excitement.
Is this the apocalypse, or just a metamorphosis?


  1. Your words are beautiful:)

  2. wow, the imagery is really good, i love it! - kri

  3. Take the time to realize that something might be wrong.
    That it's not just you in this world.
    Perhaps one day, we can share this world.

    Maybe one day you can take the time to see the world through my eyes.
    My perspective may not be right.
    There is a possibility it's been twisted and warped into something it's not.
    Or perhaps I'm just more observant than you.

    But come, take a journey into my eyes.
    And I'll watch your reaction with pleasure as you realize that I'm not the hero that you believe me to be.
    I am the coward.

  4. Each and every one of us has their own world. To leave your own means waging war on another.
    This is not a war, this is our treaty.
