Tuesday 8 March 2011

My Time

When I reach the top, I'll be sure to tell the world your story.
I'll tell them all about the mistakes you made and all your regrets.

On second thought, that'd be a waste of my time.
When I make it to the top, and I will make it to the top.
It won't be because of you.

You're just a memory, and thank god you're fleeting.


  1. ooh...that reminds me of someone that i cant wait to forget - kri

  2. When you make it to the top, please relish in all your glory. Please remember all of the obstacles you've conquered. When you make it to the top, please know that you have dominated this world. That you have won.
    But promise me that when you make it to the top, promise me that you'll forget me, because I'll only drag you down.
