Monday 18 April 2011

A Lost Thought

It's in the balloon you lost as a child when you accidentally let go of the string.
It's in the coin stuck in-between the couch cushions.
It's in the stray cat you don't see in the night.

It's in the steam from your bowl of soup when you're sick.
It's in the glance of the stranger from across the street.
It's in my heart, and in yours.

It always seems to find it's way around.
Sometimes we find it, sometimes we don't,
But it never loses it's purpose.

We may not know what that purpose is, and we may never find it...

Maybe we'll see it in the sunrise,
Or hear it in our favorite song.

It's in every graveyard,
And every pregnant lady's stomach.

It was with yesterday,
And today,
You may have missed it, but that's alright.

It's in tomorrow too.


  1. there's always a purpose, that's why we're here right?

    I absolutely love this.. just saying

  2. "Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the common place, the slaves of the ordinary." ~Sir Cecil Beaton~

    Can't wait to read more- amazing and inspirational work!
