Tuesday 26 April 2011


With hope slowly fleeting I ask myself,
"Is any of this really worth it?"

If I keep fighting, can I win?
Or is defeat pre-determined?

I'm sorry if I let you down.
I failed at the one thing I really wanted.


  1. Nothing is pre-determined. You make it so. So keep on fighting, because you will win this. Don't you see, your opponent is weaker; the only way it'll win is if you let it. It wants you to give up. It wants you to lose, because it wants to beat you. Are you going to let it? Because if you do, that's when you'll fail. That's when you let yourself down. You haven't failed; not yet.
    So fight with everything you've got. It may be a long battle, it may be a bloody one; but the reward will be well worth it.

  2. I believe in you; as do all who read your beautiful soulful thoughts...You're a strong soul with a deeply loving heart...So yes, hang in there,you can do this, you'll get there, keep going!
