Saturday 28 May 2011

Be My Last

This song,
The one playing right now,

This is the song I'm walking away to.

This is the song before the credits roll.

This is the song before the ending.

The last song in which you have a chance to change things.

I didn't want it to end like this,
But I thought you did.

This was never about me,
It was never my story.
It was yours,

It is yours.

Friday 27 May 2011

Standing at Attention

My heart fires up whenever I see you,
Not because I love you, but because it's ready for war.
My heart can no longer tolerate your presence in it's territory.

But after all the bloody battles.
My heart, my army,
Has no choice to let you in, let you win.


Things never could be simple with you.
You always made it more complicated than it needed to be.

You made all the problems unsolvable,
All the questions unanswerable.

You made a maze between us.

Now I want out.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Many Moons Rose and Set

There is but one sun, and one moon
and they shall never meet...

Maybe it's like us.
Endlessly chasing each other like night after day.
A series of unfortunate coincidences keeping us apart.

But what of Dusk and Dawn?
Perhaps a kiss?

More than a Moment

My disappointment continues to grow as I meet people who aren't you.

None of them can answer the questions on my mind.

None of them can quell the hunger for more than a fleeting moment.

None of them could trigger a memory,
like you have.

One With the Dark

Make a home in the night.
Find salvation in the dark.

Live the streets,
Find your reasons.

There's a place for you among the many,
 You fill the crowd.

You're never alone,
I'm always watching.

And I'll make sure that you're all right.

Monday 16 May 2011

Things to Take Note of (Said Like I Have a Clue)

In a world where fear is abundant, courage is like diamonds.

Your past may have gotten you here, but in no way should it dictate where you're going.

The brightest candle can be blown out by a simple breeze.

Between any two people ever, is a volley of words unsaid, emotions unfelt.

Love exists as a separate realm. Lucky for us, this realm has an insatiable hunger to swallow everything else.

Some people just have that light in their eyes, that never seems to go away. And it's just one more thing guiding us.

No mask ever works 100% of the time.

We hate because we can, not because we should.


Some things are meant to be awkward, otherwise, they wouldn't be.

But hey, I could be wrong.

Friday 13 May 2011


You bring sunlight with you wherever you go.

You're as cute as you've ever been,
especially when you smile.
You make everyone around you want to be a better person.

And you make it look so easy.
Do you even try?


What kind of song do you sing when you're alone?

Is there music in your mind all the time?
A tune for trying times?
A tune for love?

Do melodies haunt your dreams?

I bet your song is beautiful.

Tuesday 10 May 2011


I took a walk to clear my head today.

The thought came to my mind that everyone always finds their place.
I thought to myself, "Everything just works out, right?"

And the more I thought about it, the more simple it became.

We're always looking to find our place, but sometimes we don't have to.
We're going to find it anyway. That's just how it works.

Sometimes we fight for it, sometimes we wander into it, but as soon as we find it, we know.

So I thought to myself some more, because a grand realization wasn't enough.
I wanted to know more, like where I would end up, where my place was.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Raise the Stakes, or Fold

A game of high risk and no reward.

Should I play my hand?
I've been dealt the same fate many times before.

What are the chances of winning?

The Fallen Empire

I built a castle on the grounds of hope, with walls of happiness.
The walls began to wither away as the castle sank into the ground.
The endless assaults of doubt, fear and sadness had taken their toll.

Only ruins remain...

Some say, if you stand in the ruins, the wind may just tell the stories of the battles fought,
and lost.

Thursday 5 May 2011


It's easy to understand that life is a cruel joke; The hard part is dealing with the punchline.

I have a strange fondness for those who have proven their loss of sanity through their laughter, because they know it truly is the best medicine.

Their insanity is an escape. They can leave behind the dreadful things that have happened and lock them away forever.

Everything we've ever suffered from, all the pain we've endured is nulled after a good laugh.
Life is a sick joke, but there is a funny side.
Just laugh.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Day When You and The Sun Died

The day you died, all the colors faded away. Only black and white monotony was left.
All the sounds were muffled. Nothing sounded beautiful anymore. Nobody sang.
All the feelings became numb. There was nothing left to hold.
It was all lost in the void created by your leaving.

The only thing truly real was the beating of my heart, and I couldn't take it anymore.
I took it out and left it on your grave. I didn't need it anymore.
It was always yours anyways.

I walked off the dock, into the sea.
But that world wouldn't have me either.
I died again.

And I die every day.
At your grave,
In the sea,
At the end of the earth,
In heaven,
And in hell,

I die everywhere that isn't with you.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


I saw you today,
And just like every day, you were a sight for sore eyes.
You were wearing that shirt I like; the one that matches your eyes.

You looked at me while I was looking at you, and we both looked away.
In my head we didn't look away, did you think the same thing?

In my head, we spend days just looking at each other
and it's nice.

Maybe tomorrow we'll smile at each other,
We'll let each other know it's gonna be alright.

Monday 2 May 2011

Another Day

Maybe on another day...

Another day, like today where the wind is blowing through the trees and it's cold,
Another day, where the sun is shining and it's almost all you could ask for,
Another day, with your arms around me.

Only that day will be real.
It won't be you with your arms around me, because we both decided you were no longer real.

And I'll know it's not you because it'll feel right.
Everything will fall into place, like it should.

And in that instant the wind blows through the trees, and I hear that gentle whistle, I'll stop.
I'll stop and I'll remember you, just for that instant and it will send shivers down my spine.

But those arms that do not belong to you will keep me warm.