Friday 27 May 2011


Things never could be simple with you.
You always made it more complicated than it needed to be.

You made all the problems unsolvable,
All the questions unanswerable.

You made a maze between us.

Now I want out.


  1. ....Well at least firmly but gently take her by the hand and lead the way out of all that confusion and complication.

    Would you honestly really leave her lost in that maze?

    Your actions did not reflect your words, you contributed to making that maze.

    Go ahead, have your 'Now I want out' but at least provide clarity first.

    It's no picnic to be lost in a maze of chaotic thoughts and feelings.

    No one actually chooses or prefers to have a busy and cloudy mind. If it were a choice, then a quiet mind to think clearly would be chosen every time.

    Spare a just a little of that same resolve and determination you have for 'wanting out' and guide her with kindness and respect out of that maze.

    A relatively small price to pay when measured against your valuable freedom that is to follow.

  2. Who is it of that you speak? Is it personal, or universal? They've created a maze that has denied access to you; do you believe that this is what they want? Have you found a way out? Are you standing on the outside now, looking at the mess they've created? Are you upset that they've done this to you?

    Or have you considered the horrors that lie in their mind that they feel that to truly be safe, they must create a maze so that they may lose anyone they feel may hurt them? Have you envisioned them lost wandering alone, meeting nothing but dead ends?

    It's horrible to have nothing but your mind to keep you company. Especially if that mind isn't quite right. Did they catch you off-guard with the maze? Was it because they weren't in perfect cubes, like everyone else you've met?

    Did you lose them in the maze? Did they walk away, or did you give up? Could you handle it, or were you merely tired of hitting the dead ends with them? Did you create your own path, one they refused to follow, because so many others have misled them?

    So lucky you, you've made it out. Unfortunately, that can't be said for the one you've left behind. Are you going to walk away, forget this ever happened? Forget the one that may care about you, even though they don't show it? Or are you going to go back?

    Because they won't forget you. Whether you walk away or come back, you'll always have a place left in their mind. However, if you leave, you'll just prove their point as to why they can't trust anyone. If you stay, they still may not trust you for ages, but at least when they do, you'll still be around.
