Sunday 8 May 2011

Raise the Stakes, or Fold

A game of high risk and no reward.

Should I play my hand?
I've been dealt the same fate many times before.

What are the chances of winning?


  1. If it is a game of high risk, but without reward, why play the game? Better off to play a game with no risk, and high reward, no?

  2. No chance, sounds like you don't want to win anyway...

    I wonder how your 'Opponent' rates their chances.

    So why bother to play? Are you at a loose end? Bored? No better offers elsewhere?

    High risk?...risk of many things for you...but very little to do with the other person, just all about you.

    Thing is, it may be likened to a game, your game...What if the other person is for real?
    It would then not be a game for them.
    ...Which strangely means that they in fact have an Ace up their sleeve.
    Let's hope they don't lay their heart on the table for a joker.

    The answer is actually very simple. Simple and beautiful, loving, light and intimate, culminating in loving acceptance.
    The answer is 'Truth' Speak your truth, really speak your truth.
    Hmmmm.... That's the 'High risk' eh?

    ...Which leads you to a choice;

    a) Be a coward ( you know the type of thing, say, "It's not you it's me" "I need some space" etc..Start an argument with the goal in mind of using the row to break contact.
    The possible outcome here will always be unknown. You can always imagine it failing just to make you feel better, come up with a thousand reasons why it wouldn't work.
    You may also uncomfortably wonder in quiet moments, "What if?"
    There's plenty to distract you thinking about any of this though, plenty more fish and all that.


    b) Be brave (May lead to either heartache or
    loving acceptance)

    Your choice.

  3. The wager is my heart.
    I'd expect everyone I'm betting against to have equally high stakes.
    I can't help but play for keeps in a game like this, because it's not really a game at all.

    If I were to up the ante, and bet the truth, would it scare them away? Or would they take their chances?

    I'd lose if they fold.

  4. ...Thank you for sharing your truth.

    I am a complete stranger to you, and yet you share your hope and your fear, which tells me that you long for that intimate connection with your special person, but afraid of the consequences.

    Speaking from the heart means revealing your truth.
    Being your authentic self is a gift that offers strong and true connection with others, it is the very essence that nurtures and grows trust. Trust strengthens acceptance.
    Acceptance creates a place of safety.
    Safety sets you free to grow and become all you can be.
    Truth is the foundation of love.

    To withhold truth is just another form of lying. In the name of 'Protecting' the other person or whatever excuse that justifies this in the mind, actually creates a wall between you and the other.
    The other person will feel this...if they know you and chances are...they do.

    To start out any loving relationship by lying or withholding, will lay the equivalent foundation of sand.

    When a storm brews or even the gentle push and pull of the waves, that will be enough to shift the sands and unsteady the foundation.

    The freedom in your heart and soul from your truth being truly heard, acknowledged, forgiven, loved and ultimately accepted, just as you are, that's love and liberation.

    A withheld truth is like poison. It festers and seeks release. It seeps out in other ugly behaviours, strengthening the wall in between you both and creates shadows that linger over any happy and loving moments.

    Again, a choice.

    a) Withhold and have a superficial connection, be at the mercy of shifting sands. Both of you will be cheated out of experiencing something real.

    b) Speak your truth with the intention of resolve and in love. Allow the other person to have a choice too by listening to all you need to share.

    -If they are unable to understand, accept or forgive, then this will be their truth and needs to be accepted and respected.
    You will then have the opportunity, in time, to share your authentic self with another. Someone who loves and accepts you, just as you are.

    If however, they do understand, accept and forgive, then you will recognise the very moment that magic happens. You will feel a weight lift from your stomach, your chest, your heart as your soul will soar.

    You will feel how it feels to be truly loved and accepted just as you are.'ll both then be enabled to grow individually as well as together, strengthening your connection with something so simple but real.

    I wish you strength, love and peace in your heart.

  5. Well? Did you play your hand?

  6. It takes courage to play your hand. Lies and the fears of being exposed as a 'player' hold back the coward.
    Especially when they're considering options and hedging their bets.
    Too many Queens waiting for one King to play his hand.
    The pressure is on, the clock is ticking, playing it safe becomes the only means of escape from being exposed as the Joker.
    Shuffle the pack and deal again, Soliataire is a far easier game to play.

  7. Mmmmmmm... Honesty? Congruence? Trust? Authenticity? Without those, there's nothing, and certainly no love let alone friendship.

    What a complicated farce with yet such a simple solution...Speak your hearts truth.

    If unsure, inconsistant etc's not real. Instead be kind, tell your truth, do not blame the other whilst they are clearly feeling pain.

    Be gentle, kind, let go in a loving way, together, face to face, look into their eyes so they can see, understand. What is an hour or two of discomfort for you? It would be such a loving and respectful act to do.
    In time...they would remember you with love and respect that you did this kind act instead of taking the easier option for yourself...You used to be so kind and strong, your strength of soul was once beautiful.

    I had a phonecall, was told it was time for us to let go - that was all they felt I was worth...along with piling on more blame and self absorbed sounds.

    I lost my gentle respect for them on that day which continued to drain away over the weeks.

    With the loss of respect, it washed the remains of hope away. I woke up one morning, I cried as I no longer felt any love, I cried as I felt no regret, no longing, nothing.

    After the tears..I felt light, free, perspective through distance had enabled a clearer view of all that was.

    I saw what it for what it truly was without skirting and skimming over the truth by making excuses for their excuses and inconsistency, and a email box full of mixed messages.

    I realized i'd lost my real friend and real lover a long time ago.

    The next morning, I awoke with excitement in my heart, faith in that I'm exactly where I need to be.
    I felt warmth and felt full of love, it was in that moment that I found myself and made a promise to never lose my essence again.

    Real, I have at last found something real...or found me.

    So now? I'm grateful that you broke my heart.

    Without the great lengths you went to, just to keep me dangling whilst you made up your mind, coming to me whenever you felt your ego needed stroking, using me to see how far you've moved on yourself, to learn of your affair, to learn of your many 'distractions', and to finally accept, acknowledge and let go of your warped and so sad perception of me, without all of that.... my heart sinking to such dark depths, I'd not be experiencing such beautiful, colourful heights now.

    Thank you M x
