Tuesday 27 December 2011

"Well I used to be a hero, then I met you."

"Would you believe me if I said I had superpowers?"
"Not at all."
"Why not?"
"Because I know you, and I know you don't."
"That's what you think."
"How do you figure?"
"Well, I sneak out at night to fight crime."
"No you don't."
"How do you know?"
"Because I hold you tight every night."
"Y'know, some people might find that smothering."
"You've never complained before."
"I said some people, not me."
"So you admit you don't fight crime."
"At night."
"Maybe my day job is crime-fighting, huh? Ever think of that?"
"But I've driven you to work before."
"Maybe it's just a drop off point, maybe that's where I keep my costume."
"Does your costume consist of tights?'
"I feel like that's an unrelated question."
"You're right, I just enjoy imagining you in tights."
 "You're not taking this seriously, This is serious. You could not know me at all!"
"You're right. I don't know if I can handle this stress."
"Are you going to break up with me?"
"See, told you I had super powers."
"You're still here."
"That's not a super power."
"It is to me."
"You're crazy."
"Crazy-- In love."

Monday 26 December 2011

Awakening (Redeux)

The sun becomes too much to bear.
"Face it," You whisper into my ear, "we can't sleep all day."

Yeah, because sleeping was on my list of things to do for today.

To motivate me, you open the curtains, and it's bright.
I groan; think to myself, "At least I'm up after the sun."
What kind of life would I live if I had to be awake before the sun?

What kind of life would I live if you weren't there to wake me up every morning?

Sunday 25 December 2011


My alarm screams, I scramble to turn it off.
I'm awake.
The sun hasn't even risen yet, and neither has my higher level thinking.
"How I love my life." I think to myself.
I struggle to clothe myself; it's only a struggle because I've boycotted the use of my dresser. Everything goes on the floor in neat little piles.
Unfortunately for me, I don't understand the concept of neat.

I'm still alone, and that burning feeling is almost enough to drive me into the blackness, but by the time I start thinking about that, the sun is beginning to peak over the city line.

Besides, I can't be thinking of that stuff all the time. I've got a life to live.

Friday 11 November 2011


I was left alone,
And the world turned cold and black.

You took the air with you, making it impossible for me to breathe;
You replaced it with water, as the tears streamed down my face.

You took my heart with you, leaving a hole in my chest.

You walked away, when all I ever wanted you to do was stay,
And now my memories of you are scars that will never go away.

Monday 7 November 2011

"I'm just like you.. I'm a monster too"

When I was young I wanted to be you,
But everybody I knew told me I couldn't,
So instead I stole your bones.

Now I'm killing time,
Before I find a place to go,
A place to call home.

So when you find me,
Leave me
Or I'll take you.

Show me where you never want to go,
And I'll take you.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Missing A Destination

To the wind through the trees.


To the crashing waves.

You are wherever I go,
Following me.
And I'm following you too.

Friday 14 October 2011

Wicked Sense

Tearing through the sky,
And searching through the sea,
But I still can't find something to believe in,
Past the lonely eyes, starring back at me.

Starving in the winter winds,
Lasting only for a while.
I find a little place to hide away
Behind a friendly smile.

I see the lies,
So blatant told.
But time has kept me silent,
With a mouth of cold.

Wednesday 12 October 2011


Crystal lattices,
Slicing through the undesirables.

Leaving with whatever's left,
We say goodnight.

So unfeeling,
Forgotten and unspoken,
So needing.
But this is only the beginning.

The world is spinning.

An I've lost you.

Monday 10 October 2011

Heart On The Finish Line

With my heart on the start line,
I can't find a sound mind,
To live

Where do we go,
When we've been everywhere?
We've seen every place.

Nothing left to forgive,
Everything to replace.

Monday 19 September 2011

Seeking to Find Something Worthwhile.

How much of you is made up inside my head?
How much of you is real?

I don't know how long the road to the truth is, and the lies are so tempting.

I think I just walk blindly now.
Guided by you.

Saturday 10 September 2011


It took me until now to realize just how lost I really am.
All this time, I've found salvation in the wrong places.

Not that I knew any better.

And now I've ended up here, and have no idea where to go.
So far from home, so far from anything, the decision is all mine.

For once, I really get to choose what I will become.
I hope I don't regret it.

Saturday 27 August 2011

When Someone Takes Your Heart

No amount of sleep will make you feel awake,
and smiling feels strange on your face.

You feel everyone can see right through you, and most people can.
You feel you're going to fall and shatter from the shortest height, and you probably will.

Words no longer make sense, and if they did, nothing anyone would say would even matter.

But look on the bright side:
When someone takes your heart, only they can hurt you.


Drink up.
Give the moon away,
Blot out the sun with your tears.

Give light to those who can't handle it,
Watch them need their fix,
Join them.

Find love,
Make it last.
Throw it away.

Kill yourself fighting to get it back.

Become content,
Fall back in love even though you thought you never could.
Have regrets,
But promise to never take anything back.

Monday 22 August 2011

Going.. Going... Gone.

Watching you turn your lights out, I wonder what you do afterwards.
Do you keep a light on because you feel lonely?
Or do you embrace the dark?

Do you think of me before you slip into a dream,
Or am I with you the whole time?

Will I find you alone one day, waiting for the light?

Maybe I can be the arms to embrace you when the sun will no longer suffice and it's so cold it's almost unbearable.

Maybe I can be the light that guides you out of the dark,

But if you were to stay,
I would like to be beside you.

Sunday 21 August 2011

A Special Day

While I haven't found that magic yet, 
I know it's out there,

And I know this because of you.

I knew it in the first,
And last,
Time we kissed.

It opened  the world, and all my dreams came true.
Yet somehow it was only the beginning.

Because of you, I believe in magic,
I believe in hope,
I believe in Love.

Friday 12 August 2011

Watching You Rot

There's really not much to you is there?
You try to come off as so organized, so capable, but underneath you're really frail, and weak, aren't you?
You cling to what you know,
Or at least what you think you know,
What you want to know.

And you really can't stand to be alone, can you?
So you lie, like you always have, and trap more people in your tangled web of a life.
You show them who you really are, and then let yourself think you don't need them when they don't drop everything for you.
I can guarentee you never pushed anyone away.
They walked away willingly.

The truth is, I'm still around because I'm the only one who really sees how weak you are.
I make no effort to point it out however, only take notes.
And to put you in your place when you so deserve it.
And believe me, I feel bad enough about that.
It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

The Long Journey to Sanity

I don't really remember the beginning.

  We were in a field, at an old picnic table,
And we were talking.

I don't remember much of what was said,
But you told me I didn't ruin everything.

After that we left the field, and started walking along the road,
And then I woke up.

I thought it was all so real, but it was a dream.
But I felt it had happened before.

And I know it's kind of sad,
Because in the end you're not here.

But I realized I should be happy, because I wasn't talking to you at all,
I was talking to me.

I imagined you, at your best,
And you told me I didn't do anything wrong.

And that it was okay to let go.

Tuesday 2 August 2011


So we sleep in cages,
The cages we've made for ourselves because we think we're protected.
But we couldn't be more wrong.

When the walls break, what will protect us from the beasts?
The Beasts of our Insecurities.
They claw and bite and sedate us.
But it's all in our heads.

Sunday 31 July 2011


I'm afraid all the anger and hate I have will burn through everything else, and that I'm still going to be angry when I wake up.

I'm afraid of the fact that I may have already made a decision, and nothing you can do will change it.

I never wanted it to be like this. I never asked for this. It just happened.
And I will deal with it the only way I know how.

You may be burned in the process. Is that too much for you?
Is it too much to handle to know that you too are only human?

Would you face the flames for me? What if you knew you might not make it?

Wasted Hearts

Sometimes I think I'll never fall in love.
I used to imagine you and I together, but I see now that was just a fleeting thought.

And as that thought left, so did everything I ever believed about love.

I hear about it all the time, and boy do I see it in the streets.
It's apparently abundant.

It seems to surround me but cannot find me.
Am I looking in the wrong places?
Am I searching too hard?

Monday 25 July 2011

The Passenger

7:49” I said to myself.  The night train was right on time.  I climbed the steel stairs, still feeling the effects of the absinthe, brandy and wine, I knew that I shouldn’t have had so much to drink.
I couldn’t see them, but I knew that they were there; spirits moving in the steam, still chasing me. I quickly boarded the train, hiding from the moonlight. The compartment was forest green. I made my way to my room and fell on to the bed. I felt the rattling of the rails, and was lulled into a dream.

I woke up to light of the full moon. The sky was cloudy, there were no stars. I had been asleep mere minutes before I was awoken again. I waited the oncoming daylight.

I disembarked the train at another strange town. It wasn’t long before I found my way to the nearest bar and broke down; I knew in the back of my mind that I couldn’t run forever. I knew that they were going to catch me.

That night, I saw myself reflected in the clear counter. It was a different reflection than what I had seen in the dinner car the night before. I didn’t know who I was anymore, nobody did.

On the way back to my room, I could see the other passengers. When I finally made it back to my room, I heard the faint weeping of the woman in the cabin next to me. They must be following her to too.

The next few days were a complete blur. I started forgetting things, my job, my family, my name. I also noticed that my things started disappearing. On each trip, my bag got significantly lighter, but I couldn’t tell exactly what I was missing.

I arrived at what I knew was the final station. I couldn’t see my reflection or feel the beating of my own heart. There was only one other person here. The station was quiet, nothing was moving. There were no trains, no people and it was in that instant I knew I would never see another face again.

I raised my hand up to my face and felt nothing. I couldn’t feel anything. My emotions were gone. I was gone.

Friday 22 July 2011

The Awakening

Sometimes I remember the things that never happened,
Like the days I spent with you.

In the confines of my dreams,
I can't help but believe
That somehow they're still happening.

And if this is how I can be with you,
Why would I ever want to stop dreaming?

I know that when I awaken, I will be alone,
And the skies will still be dark.

But buried deep inside my head,
I can be with you.

And there's nothing I want more.

Thursday 21 July 2011

The Inevitability of Maybe

Truth be told, I'm scared.
I'm scared of the inevitability of maybe.
That gray area, where we can never be certain of what's to come.

Sometimes, certainty is too much to ask for, and in those cases we must worry.
What if the world falls from beneath our feet?

Do we fall too?
Or learn to fly?

Wednesday 20 July 2011

The Station

That night at the station we said goodbye.

There was nothing left for you, you couldn't stay.
But I knew that one day we'd meet again.

Years from now we'll have a chance encounter,
We'll meet again, and remember what we had.

Maybe we'll think there was so much more than there actually was,
Or perhaps we'll remember what we had was never enough.

Maybe we'll feel nothing but regret

But now my train is coming,
So until then, among the faces, I'll look for yours

Maybe we'll meet again


Tuesday 19 July 2011


All the words floating around, filling the sky as stars and clouds,
And you somehow leave me with none to say.

Lost and confused among the crowds,
As they all wash away.

Monday 11 July 2011

The Collector

And until then, I'll keep you locked up tight in my collection,
Until the end,
When they finally find me and take me away for all the monstrosities I have committed
They will take me away for everything I felt, but was too afraid to say.

I never asked you to stay, but I'm asking you now not to leave.
If they take you away
They leave me with nothing

Thursday 23 June 2011

Running Out of Ways to Cope

I feel as if this is necessary.

I have nothing nice to say, I have no more hope.
Everything I believed in came crashing down around me, and now there is nothing left.

I was delusional, and now I'm paying the price.
I know it was foolish, but there was nothing else I could do.

I wanted it so bad that I was willing to fight, and risk it all.
 But I guess there was nothing to fight for, and too much to lose.

And I lost it all.

Tears From the Sky

There's very little left that's pure.

The rain washes away everything we no longer want.

Our Joy,

People don't want rainy days because they're not done with what they have.
But for those who want it, it can be a blessing.

There's very little left that's pure
Because it hasn't rained in so long.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Tidings of Doom

My world is ending.

I don't have the heart to tell anyone about this, only you.
I no longer see you in the visions of my future.
I don't know how much longer I can last, knowing you'll be gone.
After all this time, please tell me what I am to do?
I've waited on your every word, but you've said nothing.

I've grown to love revolving around you.
Like I always know when you're around,
Every time your about to turn the corner,
Or enter the room,
I just know.

But soon all of that will come to an end.
As time goes by, you'll fade into nothing but a memory,
And eventually, the only time I'll think of you is when I see you in the eyes of strangers on the street,
Or hear words you'd once said to me.

So fufill my destiny; prove my visions true, 
And leave me.


Phantom apparition leading my way, I command you to speak.

Figure of the night, where are you taking me?
A place where my heart has no purpose going?
What are your intentions?
To light the path?
Or lure me into the blackness?

Why is it that you keep turning the lights on if you think they're meant to be off?
What are you saying when I hear whispering through the trees?
Where do you go when I am home in my bed?
Are you out haunting someone else? 
or watching me sleep?

Where are you now?

Wednesday 8 June 2011


In the beginning there was chaos. The world was filled with things that never were, and humans had no hearts. Fragments of Land, Sea and Sky drifted lazily about empty space. Light and Darkness spiraled in serene harmony.

In the deepest depths of chaos, a birth of magnificent and magical proportions took place. This birth began to shape the chaos, forever changing it. The creation of a single entity split the Land and Sea from the Sky; and the Land and Sea again. The formation of this essence would not just shape the physical, but the celestial.

Humans would be given hearts, and that which did not fit the laws of a newly formed reality would be cast from existence.
The summary of these laws and the basics of reality would take the form of what you would see as a little girl. She would be young, the embodiment of innocence, with a dress so white, it radiated purity. She would be named “Infinity”.

But due to the inconstant nature of chaos, another driving force would come to exist. It would be named “Oblivion”

Oblivion existed in a world parallel to reality, where that which did not exist, found itself to be. Oblivion would model himself after the perfections of Infinity, but could not remain constant. He would live as her shadow.

Together forming a coin, Oblivion was Infinity’s other half. Where Infinity would embed hearts into the empty husks of humans, Oblivion would pierce their hearts, and viciously tear them to shreds, leaving only a small part remaining. The mangled husks, barely holding to the fabrics of Infinity’s laws, would slip into Oblivion’s reverse world.

Infinity began to grow tired of her perfect world. She would feel smothered, restricted by her laws.

“How can perfection exist, if there’s nothing to hold it against?” She thought to herself.
She visited the reverse world and sought out Oblivion’s Castle Dreadnought.

There she found Oblivion. He offered her tainted hearts, and tears to wash them down. Infinity’s touch restored the hearts, filling them with love, their beats; and the tears became tears of joy. She began to weep.

The nature of chaos again took over, fulfilling its role.

Instead of falling into a fit of inconsolable fury, Oblivion fell madly in love.

“How can something so perfect, so beautiful, make sorrow so…unappealing?” He said aloud. Infinity began to giggle. Oblivion was perplexed.

“So then it’s true. You can do nothing but love me, just as I cannot stand to be without you.” Infinity spoke, her words echoing through the reverse world, and hers.

In one final embrace they became one. The reverse world fused with the real world. But chaos was not formed.

The bond Infinity and Oblivion share is what holds the world together, for without their love there would be nothing.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Between the Dream and the Breath

For a moment,
Everything stood still and time was irrelevant.
There was no ticking of clocks,
Nothing was early, nothing was late.

It made it all really simple.
I could finally think without having to worry.
Nobody could hear my thoughts, nobody could see my dreams, everyone was frozen.

I think I finally understood what happened in the past,
As there was no longer a past.
And I knew everything that was going to happen,
As there was no future.

For that moment I understood that I couldn't just give up.
Not after this moment.

And in that moment I chose.
After I made my choice, something miraculous happened.

Everything started moving again.
The sound of ticking clocks filled my mind.
Streetlights changed and people moved on.

I stopped for one second, hoping for another moment,
but somehow I knew I would never feel it again.

So I went on my way.
But this time, I knew my choice.

Friday 3 June 2011

The Drop

You were a single drop,
A tear in my life.

But what you brought was so much more.

You were the first of vicious storms to take over.
You blotted out the sun, any hopes of light.

Wednesday 1 June 2011


I hid my heart from the world,
I hid it from you.

For so long, those words tortured me from the inside.
There was nothing I could do.

I hid the words I wanted to say from the world,
I hid them from you.

For so long I regretted losing you.
There was nothing I could do.

Saturday 28 May 2011

Be My Last

This song,
The one playing right now,

This is the song I'm walking away to.

This is the song before the credits roll.

This is the song before the ending.

The last song in which you have a chance to change things.

I didn't want it to end like this,
But I thought you did.

This was never about me,
It was never my story.
It was yours,

It is yours.

Friday 27 May 2011

Standing at Attention

My heart fires up whenever I see you,
Not because I love you, but because it's ready for war.
My heart can no longer tolerate your presence in it's territory.

But after all the bloody battles.
My heart, my army,
Has no choice to let you in, let you win.


Things never could be simple with you.
You always made it more complicated than it needed to be.

You made all the problems unsolvable,
All the questions unanswerable.

You made a maze between us.

Now I want out.